10 Common Retirement Planning Errors and How to Avoid Them


About 59% of Americans agree that they have to work longer to finance their retirement needs. Such statistics are worrying since your working years should be enough to plan for retirement. You should therefore avoid retirement planning errors to have your after-years thought out.

Retirement planning is a critical financial goal for safeguarding your future. If it’s done right, you enjoy independence in the later years of your life. Unfortunately, most people get it wrong, meaning they experience stress and worry.

Most people think they have time to plan for retirement, which is always wrong. The time to start is now to ensure your retirement will be free of financial worries. Delaying the retirement plan creates room for errors, which leaves you dependent on others.

If you’re wondering what could go wrong with retirement planning, this article is for you. Here are 10 common retirement planning errors and how to avoid them.

1. Failing to Have a Retirement Plan

Do you currently have a retirement plan in place? One common mistake for most is ignoring the need for a retirement plan.

I’m sure you’ve noticed you can’t work forever – at some point, your body will give up. However, the amount of money you need at retirement will be the same, if not higher. You should thus figure out where you’ll get the money once you’ve retired.

Most young people deem retirement to be too far, so they don’t see the need for a plan. When they come to their senses, it’s considerably late with a few years to go. As a result, the plan they formulate will be inadequate to cover their retirement needs fully.

Have a retirement plan in place as early as now. Think of the various pension planning considerations to develop a suitable retirement plan. Your lifestyle in later stages will depend on it entirely.

2. Not Saving Money

How much money do you think you’ll need in retirement? Are you sure the figure is adequate? Remember, you’re needier in your old age, so start saving now.

A common retirement planning mistake for most people is not saving money. Yes, you need investments, but you need liquid finances as well. Consider saving as much as you’re investing to cover the current needs in the future.

There are retirement accounts that allow you to save to beat market inflation. For adequate security in the future, start saving today to make sure your money grows over time. The longer you save, the better it is for you since you can enjoy independence in retirement.

Formulate a plan to have at least 10% – 15% of your income in a retirement account. However, the percentage isn’t fixed since you have to determine your desired lifestyle. You can adjust the percentage as you need.

The savings are essential for catering to any retirement surprises you might experience. Don’t consume everything you make today; save some for retirement.

3. Not Letting Your Savings Accumulate

Are you awful at saving? Well, most people are. A typical retirement planning error is not letting the savings accumulate.

You might have started well by saving every month since your first job at 23. However, at 30, when the responsibilities increase, you consider taking some savings. It’s wrong since it jeopardizes your chances of having enough in retirement.

Most people who cash out on their 401(k) plan when switching jobs end up regretting it. Retirement is fast approaching, and recouping the funds is tricky. You also end up paying higher fees and taxes, which eat into your finances.

Let the savings accumulate and grow to use them in retirement. The best thing is to amass discipline associated with saving over time. You end up with adequate funds to cater to all of your retirement needs.

It’s advisable to have a separate funds pool for your current and emerging needs. As a result, it’ll be harder to reach out for your retirement funds. As long as you keep adding to the savings and not drawing, your retirement plan is safe.

4. Having an Unbalanced Portfolio

What assets or investments do you have on your portfolio? Most often than not, you might be inclined to invest in a single area. It’s a shared retirement planning error for most people to have an imbalanced portfolio.

It’s a good thing that you’ve thought of investing as a form of retirement planning. However, an unbalanced portfolio is catastrophic to have since you risk your finances. A tweak in the market conditions might see you lose a chunk of your finances.

For most people, investments in industries that they understand perfectly might seem safe. In pursuit of safety, you might find most of your portfolio contains similar assets. What then happens when the market you invest in takes a dip?

Avoid having an unbalanced portfolio by rebalancing your portfolio regularly. The right mix of assets helps you sustain market changes as you approach retirement. Consider balancing out by investing in any market that shows potential growth for your money.

A balanced portfolio ensures a consistent growth of your finances as you near retirement. You also reduce the risk and exposure to losses in case of a market recession. As a result, you’re guaranteed peace of mind, which is critical.

5. Often Quitting or Changing Jobs

How often do you change jobs? Did you know that quitting your job affects your retirement plan? In fact, it’s one of the most common errors that most people make unknowingly.

Your employer is required to contribute for all their employees into the 401(k) plan. The plan covers retirement savings, and the money accumulates as long as you work.

Although the contributions are made individually, you still don’t own the money until a certain period is over. Vesting means that full ownership of the contributions comes after you’re employed for five years. Quitting your job prematurely thus means you leave money on the table.

Yes, there’s the cliché that you need to leave a job that makes you unhappy, but be critical. Think twice before tendering that resignation, especially if you’re close to the deadline. Deliberate on whether the job change is worth forfeiting the money.

Most times, it isn’t worth it – You could surely hang around for longer. We recommend waiting for the deadline to pass at least before you can risk your retirement plan.

6. Working With the Wrong Financial Advisor

We understand the retirement planning journey can be quite complicated. You need an expert to help you formulate your retirement planning strategy. A common mistake for most people is working with the wrong financial planning advisor.

There are plenty of pension options you could choose from to find a suitable one. Unfortunately, some people think they’re fine saving for retirement independently. Chances are you’ll make some expensive mistakes, so you should work with a financial advisor.

Not all financial advisors are the same, and you should be careful not to land a lousy option. Unfortunately, those with the wrong financial advisor have trouble creating a retirement plan.

The right option will help you maximize your returns by recommending the best investments. They advise about great retirement options like Flexi Access Drawdown for pension income. With the Flexi Access drawdown, you’ll access some attractive income in retirement.

Vet your financial advisor thoroughly and conduct a background check. You’ll likely end up with a solution that works best for you. They help you avoid making retirement planning errors that can be costly.

7. Going Into Retirement With Debt

You might have always wanted that new car, but it’s unwise to take a loan for it as you approach retirement. Driving up debt before retirement can be cataclysmic concerning your savings. It’s a standard error for most people to retire with debt.

The essence of creating a financial plan is to make retirement comfortable. Having debt negates the possibility of even a well-thought-out pension plan to meet your needs. With the debt, you have to pay installments each month that eat into your pension.

Remember, you barely have any consistent source of income once you retire. Therefore, paying off the considerable debt can be stressful – something you should try avoiding.

Have an emergency reserve to handle any big purchases just before retirement. It also ensures you don’t carry debt into retirement, meaning your savings will be secure. Pay off any debts you have before retiring to have a stress-free retirement.

8. Ignoring the Healthcare Costs

How well do you take care of your health today? Did you know that healthcare costs increase after retirement? Unfortunately, most people ignore the healthcare costs, which is a retirement planning error.

People turning 65 today have a 70% chance of needing long-term care at some point. Care for aged persons doesn’t come cheap, and not planning for it can be catastrophic. You would not want the hefty healthcare costs to take up all your savings, would you?

Considering most chronic illnesses creep up close to retirement, you should plan for them. Start by staying healthy and avoiding a sedentary life at all costs. Secondly, plan for the healthcare costs by having a high-deductible health plan.

Managing retirement healthcare costs takes time and a level head to make sure you plan efficiently. It would be best to keep the costs low with the right planning to control retirement health care bills. Consult your financial advisor to find out about the healthcare plans that suit you.

9. Poor Tax Planning

What tax bracket do you fall into once you retire? Most people fail to think of the tax implications at retirement, which is a huge pension planning error.

Due to the savings and investments on your retirement plan, you’ll likely have a higher tax bracket at retirement. The higher the tax bracket, the more the implications, so you should plan for them.

Tax planning involves looking through the loopholes that can help you save in the future. Your financial advisor will evaluate your situation and advise on the right tax plan.

A retirement planning service will advise using a Roth 401(k) if you’ll have a higher tax bracket. As a result, your taxes will be front end, thus saving on charges for withdrawals. Having tax-free withdrawals means you’ll practically have access to your full retirement.

The ordinary 401(k) will be better for those who fall in lower tax brackets at retirement. The front-end taxes are high, and you can save on taxing the withdrawals. However, loans from your regular 401(k) plan might result in double taxation, so be careful.

Tax planning is essential to save you some critical dollars in your retirement plan. You have more of the disposable income, which is invaluable. Consult your financial advisor for sound tax planning advice.

10. Filing For Social Security Early

Did you know how long you wait to file for Social Security determines the benefits you get? A common retirement planning error is taking your Social Security early.

A lot of people are eager to retire so they can start collecting retirement benefits. Unfortunately, most pension plans have rules on funding retirement plans. By ignoring the details, such individuals don’t know they miss out on some benefits.

The full retirement age of 70 has higher benefits compared to retirement ages like 62 or 65. It would be best to wait until the maximum retirement age to take your Social Security. As a result, you’ll enjoy the full retirement benefits.

Filing early for retirement sees some of the funds canceled from your plan. You will thus have inadequate fees to support your retirement fully. Waiting out makes sure that your beneficiaries also enjoy benefits under your account.

You Now Know Common Retirement Planning Errors and How to Avoid Them

Retirement always seems simple, but in truth, it can be an uphill task for most. As a result, most people commit retirement planning errors, thus jeopardizing their futures. The above guide contains common retirement planning errors and how to avoid them.

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