What Does a General Contractor Do? : A Day in the Life of a Contractor


You’ve likely heard of the profession “general contractor”. However, do you know what a general contractor does? If not, and if you’re interested in learning, you’re in the right place.

Below, we’re going to discuss everything from general contractor duties to general contractor educational requirements to general contractor salary and more. Let’s go!

General Contractor Duties

General contractors are essentially the project managers of construction sites. They hold everything together, ensuring that the many workers on the site are working in concert with one another. In the simplest of terms, you might even just refer to a general contractor as the project’s boss.

General contractors have a number of duties. In addition to hiring and managing sub-contractors, they must also manage the acquisition of construction materials, manage the obtainment of necessary permits, and devise daily schedules and project guidelines.

They must also bid on projects. This is done in competition against other general contractors as a means of securing work. Successful bidding is an art in and of itself and is perhaps the most important responsibility of a general contractor.

In short, the general contractor is the most important person on a construction site. As such, they must have their ducks in a row.

General Contractor Educational Requirement 

Generally speaking, general contractors require no more than a high school diploma or a GED. Once they have obtained one of these, they can apply to be licensed (contractor license page linked here) in their respective state.

That said, it’s becoming more and more common for general contractors to obtain a post-secondary education. These individuals pursue a number of degrees. These include but aren’t limited to civil engineering, construction management, and architecture.

If your goal is to one day be a general contractor, you are strongly advised to obtain a degree. More and more general contractors are obtaining degrees these days, and you don’t want to look underqualified compared to your competition.

General Contractor Salary

General contractor salaries vary wildly based on a number of factors. Whereas some make as little as $50,000 a year, others make well over $100,000 a year. Typically speaking, the bigger the project, the more money the general contractor will make.

Currently, construction managers and general contractors make a median salary of around $97,000. So, in other words, this is a very lucrative career. If you’re looking to make a lot of money, a career as a general contractor would certainly accommodate you.

The General Contractor Is Vital

When it comes to construction projects, the general contractor is absolutely vital. Without the general contractor’s planning, management and guidance, the entire project would fall apart. As such, if starting a construction project, it’s hugely important that you choose a proven and experienced general contractor.

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