Best SEO – 14 Tips That Work!


If you are interested in increasing traffic to your website you should make sure that you use SEO (Search Engine Optimization) techniques. Using SEO techniques has proven to be effective and they have helped many online business owners to succeed. It is also important to know that there are many SEO techniques that you can use. Here is a list of 11 SEO techniques that you should make use of:

. Keyword research. You should make sure that you choose a specific keyword for every web page that you have. The keyword should be detailed enough to describe the content of your page. Besides, you should also select a keyword that is less competitive. When you choose a keyword it is important that you take note of the number of daily searches that the keyword receives. Then you should choose a keyword that has less competition. You can use seo bloomfield mi tools that can help you in this area.

2. You should have a readable HTML title tag for all the web pages that you have. Make sure that you make use of the keyword that you have chosen in the title tag. Do not use too much keywords in the title tag.

3. You should always use the H1 header tag in your web pages. You should also make use of the H2 and H3 tags for more SEO. This will yield amazing results for your small business marketing campaign.

4. You should include ALT text with all the images that you use in your web pages. You should make use of the ALT text when you use images. It is important because the search engine spiders read ALT text.

5. In your web pages, links that lead to other pages should contain the keyword that you have used for the page that you are linking to. You should also try to include links that lead to other pages with different topics.

6. Use different keywords for each web page. Just like what I have said earlier, you should use keyword phrases that are related to the web page that you are creating. Create a list of keywords for each web page and use the most popular one among them. Then, write a short article using the keyword. Be sure to look at the marketing trends. You should create a Title tag using the keyword. Next, you should have a short description using the same keyword. It is important that you make sure that your article has a lot of useful information.

7. Focus on your article. You should make sure that your article is interesting. It is important that you will provide a solution to the readers. You should contain numerous links in your article. Don’t worry that you will lose some traffic if you will use a lot of links. You should also use the back links.

8. Use the latest and unique content in your web pages. You should be very consistent if you want to get more traffic. I suggest that you write 10-20 articles per day. If you decide to write more than 20 articles, I would recommend that you should split them into smaller articles.

9. Gather valuable information. When you are working on your article, I would recommend that you to take the time to read books and other sources. If you feel that you don’t have enough time to do this, you can ask for help from SEO experts that are ready to help you out.

10. Make a website and host it. It is important that you host it. Don’t worry that you won’t be able to work on it during the week. On the contrary, you will be busy if you do work on it on weekdays.

11.Writing and posting articles can increase your traffic. I have read a lot of articles which have gotten 1,000+ views and their authors didn’t know how to use article directories. All they had was a big list of keywords and the article was about nothing. The point I’m trying to make is that you should have a system in place where you write and post articles. The articles should be related to your niche. If you write an article about skin care and your site is about skin care and stuff like that, you don’t want to put it on your website about skin care. Never publish an article on your site with content that has anything to do with your site.

12. Inter-link your articles and your resources. When you are linking between articles and your resource box, make sure that you use anchor text that is related to your keywords.

13. Make a membership site on your site. When you build a site of your own and get lots of visitors, your member base will also increase. When you have a large member base, you will have a big opportunity to bring in lots of free search engine traffic.

14. Put banner ads and banners on your site. This is very important because banner ads are one of the best converting ways to get traffic to your site.

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