How to Increase Social Media Engagement


No one likes a boring party guest. You know the type. He (or she) sits on the edges of the room, lonely and afraid to join the party.

Many small businesses act the same way when it comes to their social media engagement. They’re at the party, they’ve done half the work, but still won’t join the fun. We promise you it’s fun once you dive into the deep end. You’ll stop asking why customers aren’t engaging with your content. Instead, you’ll focus on adding value to your customers. It’s lovely! 

Have you been dying for some online love and recognition? We’ve got five strategies to increase your likes, shares, and comments. Get ready to increase your social media engagement!

1. Understand Your Data

Before you can increase your engagement, you have to know what’s working and what’s not. Swim into the deep end of your business page data and look for a few benchmarks. 

Here is a list of questions you want to consider to inform your data hunting:

  1. How many followers do you have?
  2. How many comments do you get per post?
  3. How many shares do you get per post? 

Once you’ve done this work, you’ll have an idea of your current social engagement level based on the data. That informs the next step in the process to increase your social media engagement.  

2. Choose a Strategy

You may notice certain posts that drive more engagement from your followers. Consider what makes those posts stand out to your followers? 

Is it funny or serious? Did it include pictures or videos? Was it designed to educate, or did it pose a question? These are important things to ponder when selecting your strategy. They can help increase your social media engagement. 

If your Facebook business page data doesn’t have anything of note, no worries. That’s a sign that you choose the direction you go. How exciting! 

Create some goals for your social media strategy. Here are a few ideas: 

  • Changing your public persona 
  • Develop more leads
  • Generate feedback from your customers
  • Educating your audience about products or services

Now, you may want to do a few of these. That’s fine. Make sure to continue to evaluate your social media data to know what’s working. 

3. Take the Time to Understand Your Audience

Your data collection may also help inform you on who your audience is and what they like. A customer base of digital-native millennials will look different than high net worth baby boomers. 

Take the time to understand your audience. You’ll want to consider: 

  • Where they hang out online
  • When they are on social media
  • What they engage with and share
  • What their hobbies and interests are

Take time to consider how to incorporate some of this knowledge into your online content. 

4. Continue the Conversation

Customers that follow brands want a customized experience. In these ways chatbots can boost your business. Adding a chatbot to your site will help continue the conversation outside of social media platforms. 

That can help: 

  • Increase lead generation
  • Provide value to your customers
  • Help customers answer their questions
  • Lead to great brand visibility and conversions

Take These Steps to Increase Social Media Engagement

We hope you found this content helpful. For more information on how you can improve your business, make sure to follow our blog. 

Looking for more? We offer great content about branding, networking, management, and finance too! 

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